The knight is from a feudal social classs(Because he beilves in honor and rising up in the world from the military)
The physical description of the knight is a very atlethic build based on that he is so sucessful in combat from all the wars he survied
The clothing description of the knight is that he wears a tunic made out of cloth and his mail armor is rusted from his previous adventures
the character behavior is prowess, fidelity, honor, generosity and refinement
the knight is thought by others as a very royal man because he was noted as the guest of honor many times
The pardonar
The pardoner was a man of trades because he used people by telling them that they can be forgave by god if they give the pardonar the money
The physical descripton of the pardonar is a white man with long blonde hair which is smooth and free that goes down his neck
The clothing description is a man with a red hat and a red robe
the wife of bath
The wife is of the feudal class because she has been with many men in her life time and gain money each time she did that so she ended up getting honor and became very well known
The physical description is not to known since she hides her face
The clothing description is her face is cover by a red scarf and the fact that she wears leater shoes
the wife actions is based off with all the men she has been with because she learn how to live for her self with the money from the men
People respond to her as if they know here because of the town she comes from which is a town known for making cloth so they look at what she wears in assume about her
is religous
The nun is a young lady
She wears a normal outfit that remembles the church but people still think she dresses well for a nun
the nun actions is quite and humble
others look for her for questions about the church there going too
the squire is from a feudal class because he is the same as his father
the decription of the knight is a handsome man around the age of 20
the clothing of the squire is a simple tunic
his actions is to allways be around weoman and dancing
he thought by the other ppl as a man that resembles the knight
The monk is from the religious class
The monk is large and has a barb look to him
His wears leather fur clothing
His actions is out side of his order because they are not allowed to hunt
He is thought by others as a very loud man
The friar is from a religious class
He is very fat and has the bald spot in the middle of his hair
He where's a robe with a cross
His actions is not with the lord but he rather suduce Bartenders for moeny
He is thought by other ppl as a good man
Oxford cleric
the cleric is trade class
He is skinny and short
He wheres very decent clothing
His spends most of his money on books thats why he is poor
He is thought as a man of wise words
He is from a fuedal class
he is a old man with white hair
he dresses very nicely
he cleans up after the knight to prove loyelty to others
They look at the man as if he was a slave
Religous class
a man that resembles a monk
wears a robe
he is more into god then everyone else
ppl ask him for questions
The Summoner
he is from a trade class
He is a skinny man with black hair
He wears a blue slik shirt with red pants
His profession is to summon ppl to the court
He is a wanna be by others because he shouts a lil bit of words he know to be fancy
The merchant
Trade class
he is a man with a long black beard and his face is scarred by leprosy
he wears a leather tunic which seems to be upper class
he is a drunk
Ppl dont like him much
Sergeant of the law
Feudal class
Tan man with black hair
Red robe with a white scarf
Nice man who does his job at a small fee
he is thought by others as a good guy
religous class
Man with slick black hair
red shirt with tan pants
talks to much
he is looked at by others as a slave still
THE Miller
Trades class
Stout and brawny
Man with barbaric clothing
He threatens the Host's
They think he's crazy
The Host
religous class
large man
he wears a white robe
loud, and merry, although he possesses a quick temper
They like him when he's nice
The Reeve
Trades class
Short man with a beard
He wears a suit
He serves his master
They dont talk to him
Religous class
He was moist
he wore a smock tabard
he loved god and was happy for alll the money he got
He loved his freiends as much as god
The manciple
Trades class
young man maybe around 20
nice lookin robe
he got more money then every other smart man
Ppl feared him because he was wealthty
Trades class
He wore red garments with blue stripes
he was the best at his job
He is thought as a freindly person
Trades class
Brown skin huge beard
Dagger hanging from his neck
he stole lots of wine
he was a nasty person
Trades class
lots of open sores on his leg
he was good at inspectin wine for flavor