as most have already said, it's personal preference. I reallly, really dislike the 360 controller and absolutely love the dualshock, though I use the L1/R1 config most of the time.
I actually believe, that SW:TOR (the MMO) might turn out pretty good. The developers seem to focus on storytelling and thus RP in this one, which would be a nice change to most other MMOs out there. Also, the release date will be early 2011, if I'm correct. Judging by the content they already got (complete voiceover!), we can expect them to pump quite some stuff into this game. HOWEVER, I would love to see a singleplayer Kotor 3 return, and since DA:O turned out to be quite a success for Bioware, I'm still quite hopeful that it will return. Maybe as a singleplayer tie-in to the MMO of some sort. A prequel or something? I would'nt expect it to hit stores before late 2011/2012, though.
I know that a lot of people will probably disagree now, but I was really disappointed when playing Oblivion (Elder Scrolls), one of my first games for the PS3. It started off great, but somehow (after a few hours of playtime) everything felt so "detached" and repetitive.
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