I think there should be another console after X360, PS3 and the Wii ('cause lets face it, even tho its not a HD-capable machine, its still pretty cool!). Why limit ourselves as a society as to what we can achieve? I know you don't want to drop another $500 on a another system, (I honestly JUST bought my 360 because I got a really good deal through a local classified ad) but that doesn't mean that others won't, and it doesn't mean we shouldn't strive to improve what we already have. When the original Xbox came out it was suppose to replace consoles for at least 5 years. Xbox 360 was revealed only 3.5 years after that (I might be wrong on exact timeframe but I hope you see my point). Technology is ever expanding, and just because we think we've reached our capacity, doesn't mean we should shut ourselves out to what the future may hold.
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