To put this in perspective think about it this way, in the UK several big brand retail stores have closed down and are gone for good, if they even suggested making money from people re selling their goods they would have been laughed at so hard they would have had to have closed sooner, so why should a thriving multi billion doller company be allowed to conduct business this way? answers on a postcard
@ganonshin @Jimac1888 I here you but if they think thats how business works then they will be in for a shock, no other business runs this way and nor should they its about time there was a global professional body took a look at whats going on here
@Jyakotu Yip i have said this before today but i have found some gems second hand which led to me buying sequels brand new, i would have never tried half of the games i have played if i was forced to pay full price and thats a fact
@McGregor @Gegglington @Jimac1888 @GOGOHeadray Same issue McG, i don't want kinnect either and i want to take my xbox on weekend breaks not to mention my sometimes unstable internet connection, someone once said there internet was so bad if they bought this console it could be the most expensive door stop they have ever owned
@ganonshin Disagree, they have made so much money the greed has set in, there is nothing wrong with the way they operate today but there will be if we allow this then were does it go next sorry but i can't accept you understand why they are doing this
@Gegglington @McGregor @GOGOHeadray TBH its not so much the used game thing although i hate that idea its not being able to lend my games to friends or family and vice versa ludicrous idea
@ganonshin @Jimac1888 @DPYourLife @KiriharaZro Its an arguement against its the publishers choice to do this because they wont paid again for resales, they go bust because there games are unworthy very simple
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