I discovered this yesterday whilst playing online last night. It only works now if you have a "friend" in the same room as you, if not then it will not work.
Whilst in Blackwater, and attacking various people (mainly this "green" gang), i was being "Voted" out of the room slowly. By slowly, i mean it popped up now and then with xxx has 1 vote of 7, then to 2 of 7 and so on. I was being voted out by people who wern't in Blackwater, because i was shooting 1 of their posse. A bit of a cowards way really, they could have rode/teleported to Blackwater and helped him out. Anyway, once the voting got to 7 of 7 i was gone from the room with the usual "You've been voted out" message pop up.
Asked my mate to see if he could re-add me, but it didn't work so i ended up in a room with 2 others. So i looked at my friends list, found my mate and pressed the "Join Session" option, and i got back into the room i got voted out of. Boy, did i get them all shouting at me and accusing me of being a "cheat", hey the option is there to get back into the game all the time and no-one uses it.