Hopefuuly halo 3 will not get goty. its just more of the same. this year has seen may new innovations on the xbox, the packaging of 5 games for price of 1 with the orange box, assasins creed is like no other game currently out, mass effect is a great combination of many things will ultimately end up as a great end product, bioshock had one of the best and immersive stories in any game while also pulling off great visuals and is completely different game play wise from anything else that has come out this year.
I think bioshock, mass effect or assasins creed will win cos they each were fresh in their own specific way. Cod 4 may get it because of its popularity
Just wondering what u guys do. Personally i collect games and have only sold 1 360 game so far and i intend to keep it that day. I havea part time job so im able to keep my games and continually add to my collection. i hate the thought of selling games!
just wondering which character from any game xbox / playstation / pc you guys would like to find out more about? for example - the protaganist in bioshock - how come we never see his face and body although we do find out about his past through playing the game, for me it would be nice to be able to put a face to the character.
Anyway just wonderinfg who else is an interesting character that we are left guessing certain things about?
I think the best review you can get is the one you yourself will give. These reviews are just meant to be a guide, and theres no doubting its a good game, so what im doing is just taking that fact from the reviews. ME is a good game. the most important review is the one ill give it when ive played through it. Remember reviews are just one persons opinion, and you must realise that 8.5 isn't all that bad, just not as good as your expectations / other sites
Just look up the other sites like gametrailers and ign for their reviews and make your opinion based on the overall collective. Mass effect got 2 reviews over 9.0 in those sites against one review of 8.5 on gs!
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