Jimilligan's forum posts
If you ran for president, i would vote for you.Only military grade weapons should be banned, anything else is a no. Taking away guns wont fix the problem--putting a band-aid over an infected one wont take care of the infection--it just covers up the problem. ;)
What we need to do is fix our culture, and then we will see less gun-violence. In a culture that focuses on beauty and glamour before helping the poor, that pays more attention to American Idol than American soldiers, and that waits outside for the iPhone or the latest console for days on end before protesting the Patriot Act, it's no wonder why there is much violence in this country. Our values have become tenuous, and they've become more like priviledges than actual rights, and yet nobody says or does anything.
To be quite honest, I believe the amount of gun-violence in this country barely compares to the hideous conduct of those 250 paparazzis surrounding "octomom's" house to be the first to get her on the front page. What a ridiculous, sad country we live when a person who has eight kids is ridiculed by every single paper and news network in the country. People have had more kids than that, but then again, nobody reads anymore, so how would they know history?
To wrap things up--it's our culture, not the guns.
no guns should be banned. fully automatic guns are too expensive and big for a criminal to use, you rarely, if ever, hear of a criminal killing with a fully automatic gun. assault rifles were banned by clinton and crime rates didn't fall because of it. a low percentage of crimes are committed with assault rifles. gun control laws only hurt law abiding citizens. criminals aren't going to take the course to buy a pistol or register it, if they're illegal they're still going to buy the gun. look at DC, no guns until recently and they had one of the highest crime rates in the nation. criminals fear armed citizens. there was a town that required all citizens to have a gun. do you think there was much crime in that city, when people know they person they want to rob/kill also has a gun?shoeman12I agree. If any guns should be banned it should be pistols. Its what criminals are more likely to use. They are easy to conceal. If a criminal wants to use an assault rifle he will be easily spotted. That being said they are banned in England and people just resorted to knives. Stabbing did go up but i think a knife is much easier to disarm and a lot less likely to kill. People are just violent and its hard to put a stop to that. I also dont believe the 2nd amendment has much pull today. Our government is established and i really dont think anyone let alone a militia sized amount of people would ever rebel against our government. People are to lazy and scared and just dont care anymore. They just settle.
Can you show me a link saying he wanted to do that. I want to read up on that since i have a few automatic rifles. Dub_c6969http://abcnews.go.com/Politics/story?id=6960824
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