Very interesting topic, I personally tend to stay away from F2P model because it always feel like a rip off to me. Nevertheless, i know some friends who spend quite a bit of time AND money on these model which i find quite stupid. Yet he keep insisting that it is worth it lol
Don't be too skeptical guys I would love to see multilayer features along Demon Souls/Dark Souls type of thing. Sure a lot of things could go bad but it doesn't hurt to consider and try out new things to see what work what doesn't. Who know they might come up with something good. I have faith in CD Projekt
Boy, I don't seems to fit in any of these categories so far. I see myself as a person who can enjoy a wide variety of games and genres. I enjoy both competitive fast-paced multiplayers game like dota or BF series as well as epic adventures and deep strategy games ( like Civ 5 and skyrim). The completionist type you described in the video sound more like a perfectionist to me. I think there is a difference between the 2 of them, I like to think myself as a completionist who try (real hard) to finish games that are interesting enough for me to commit myself into, but not as a perfectionist who try to get 100% of everything.
This is gonna be epic!!. If this series has taught me anything, is that I always need to upgrade my rig in order to play the next installment of Total war. My PC upgrade cycle has always been the same with new total war release :DD
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