My mother would buy me m-rated video games, because she knew i wasn't stupid, and i knew the difference between fantasy and reality. Physically harming someone in real life for entertainment value makes about as much sense as smashing random objects looking for ammo, or just to admire the damage.
She also bought me cigs, because she smoked and was tired of me calling her out on it, and she bought me booze under the prerequisite that i told her when and where i was drinking, when i'd be home, and of course, call if i was going to be any later.
Not the best. It's largely generalized speculation. The amount of money YTers make is confidential, as part of their partnership contract, and their are a ton of variables in those contracts that affect their income.
well, all i can really say is good for him. i hate LP's tho. it's like listening to a DVD commentary with someone who had nothing to do with the movie.
capaho posting images of women who are obese and ugly, potraying women in bad light and saying we are being disrespectful towards women when we posting beautiful pictures of women. HaHa talk about Capahos hypocricy =P
You do realize that the images I've posted are of real people, don't you? It's likely that most of them also have Internet access and could conceivably run across this thread. Your insensitivity is dumbfounding. That's precisely my point. I posted those images to mock you, not them. The only criterion here under appreciation appears to be the perceived sexual attractiveness of the women in the pictures. The fact that they are also all young white women (excluding the ones I posted), is particularly disconcerting.
with a thread named "Hot girl appreciation thread", wtf did you expect?
and i've posted two women in their 40's so far, and I've seen blacks, asian, and latino women in here. you be trollin or very unobservant.
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