Love at First Sight.
by Jin-Drak on Comments
Today I felt really bad.I am the kind of person that's not interested in girls at the moment.I always just ignored them.But anyhow.I had to go to the shops to buy my monthly NAG magazine.I was still explaining something to my friend walking next to me.I think I was telling him the ways that the guys at my school swear.So were still walking when I suddenly get very very cold.I look around cause I felt somethings gonna happen.We walk past the one shop when a girl from the enemy school comes walking by.I just gave a quick look because she had the enemy school uniform on(thought it was a boy from the school I could attack).The moment I looked my heart stopped.I got a cold chill right down my back.I thought to myself Veni,Vidi oh Helli.I lost against something I usually don't even battle with to ignore.But this,Of F@%K.My friend didn't notice when I started to strutter mid sentence(the idiot probably didn't even listen to me).The whole day this bothered me.So I walk in the one shop and had a look at some of the budget games on sale(yes on sale,they were practically free).When my friend appears.He calls my name.As I look she walks behind him.I went into some sort of a trance.There were weird noises in my head.It sounded like I was underwater.I stared with the one I to her while my friend bumbled something in the background.When he disappeared I walked forward and tripped over my shoelace and spilled all the budget games in the Dolphin Expo next to it(they were not really budget games afterwards).After that I figured that my friend has gone.To where?I don't know.That's probably what he wanted to tell me.So I walk 500 miles up and down the place till I found him in the shop next to where I was.And she was gone.I didn't even have to use my A.K.I gotta say It was a good day.:(