Well, interesting title isn't it? Today's greatest sale weapon is hype. Yup, hype can sell you anything. Hype is a game playing against gamers. It's pretty much unbeatable. You can't resist it. Hype controls you! When you hear great game company say: "It's revolutionary and innovative" run as fast as you can. I learned this by spending lots and lots of money on games that took less than 5 minutes to forget, throw away or just leave them on the pile with the rest of failed games. When I say pile I mean it. I own over 100 game titles. That makes me a gamer or? Here are some of the examples for this:
1. SPORE! Now this is a failure in many, many ways. Spore should have been a game of making creatures and building cities. But, creatures in the first place!!! Yes, you do get to build your creature and play with bones and stuff, but after short time you are out of options and already running tribe, city and exploring space. WTF??? Where are my creatures? I spent hours on creating them and suddenly I'm doomed on exploring space and spreading the "seed" all over galaxy. No more making creatures… nothing but conquer everything. BORING! If I wanted space strategy, I'd buy something else. Only one stage in game when you actually build your creature and it passes in 1-2 hour max. FAIL! And hype made us believe it will be all about creature and evolution… right. I made 2 creatures, saw that 6 hands and 7 legs are as same as having 2 of each and destroyed the DVD with my powerful punch.
2. Far Cry 2! Wow. I have seen a lot of teasers, burning Africa fields, shooting bad guys, but no one told me that I'll have to DRIVE 10-20 minutes for every quest. Innovative my bottom. This is a pure brainless shooter. Run through the jungle and kill everything that stands. BORING! FAIL!!! Action was promised, nice story was promised, and Need for Speed is so yesterday. I played it for about an hour and destroyed the DVD with my powerful punch.
3. RED ALERT 3! This is my favorite. The third and the final for me. No hype in the world will change my mind about EA and this franchise. EA has failed for me FOREVER. Including the third race in this was a FATAL mistake. Mecha tengu? Pikachoo? Tinky winky? What the hell were you thinking about? Maybe kids think this tengu guys are funny and cute, but I don't. There are some babies in EA team. GROW UP! FAILED BIG TIME!!! I played all three fractions only to see that ending animations are pathetic, stupid and immature. After finishing the game I kept the DVD until I realized it has to be crushed. Yes, I destroyed it with my powerful punch.
In case you still want to buy these 3 games, prepare a hammer or your powerful hands. You'll need them.
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