Unless this means the Steam version of Scott Pilgrim won't require an Ubisoft account or they're planning to do a GOG release, I'm going to have to pass.
@xnshd: Not to mention Sony has filed patents for this kind of stuff before and not done anything with it. Do you remember the patent that would have implemented PS2 backwards compatibility on PS3 slims?
Now if only they'd stop holding third party and indie games hostage to get people to buy games from there and just made Fortnite and Rocket League content as a reason to get games from there. I'd also like to see them sever all ties to Tencent.
I'd suggesting that if they want to copy what Sony and Microsoft do, they should start releasing on Steam and GOG to test the PC market as not everyone enjoys the nature of modern consoles. If they don't, they should ditch paid online and cloud streaming.
In hind sight, Nintendo should have stayed away from paid online. As for retro games, they could probably have rolled N64, GB, GBC, and GBA into the base service, but offered to sell all titles separately as virtual console games for those that don't want to put up with weekly check ins. For an upgrade, they could have made the expansion pass $15 and offered Gamecube and Wii games.
@johnny0779: Fritanga's going to have fun with this one. I'm expecting a Pegasus meltdown. I don't understand why it matters to them as they still get the game and it doesn't vanish out of existence. My guess is exclusivity breeds the mentality of spoiled brats in gamers.
Great. I'd love to get it along with other stuff. Provided Sony doesn't try to Push their paid online BS on me as a PC gamer, doesn't use Denuvo like Sega tried to do with Sonic Mania, doesn't take an Epic exclusivity deal to keep it off steam, and lets me access my old LBP stuff from PSN if I buy it on Steam, I'd be happy to get it on Steam around launch.
Jinzo_111887's comments