Jmah1337 / Member

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Jmah1337 Blog

Cant wait to get my new computer

i cant wait till i get my new computer. ive always had sort of out of date computers that my family has bought. now i finally have started to work to buy my own computer that have have personally speced out myself. cant wait to get it and possibly by Age of Conan for it. I want to try it out since a couple of my friends play and say its an alright game. Hopefully i can get it by the end of this month but if not then by next month ill have it.

What To Do Now

Hmmm.... i dont know what to do now. all the games i was thinking about buying i already own now. i dont know what games to look forward to now. Just playing through and finishing up some of my games that i bought but thinking about it after this i dont know what im going to do. im going to have alot of freetime on my hands when this happens. even though graduation is coming up soon i guess i could get a job during the summer. Kinda wanna get Metal Gear Solid i guess that looks alright. But looks like my rpg's arnt gonna come out for a while so i got some time.

Been away for a while

havnt been posting on gamespot for a while i was busy the past few months there with all the games and school and stuff with family going on. Any way now im back. My psp is workin fine and now im playing Crisis core on my psp. Ive beat it but now its time to go through and do everything. Also still playing monster hunter freedom no where close to beating that game. 160 hours in and still going. Next month cant wait for Persona 3 FES. Hmmm not much more to say i guess...

To Good to Be True

Well looks like things are going down again. It seems when i wrote my last part is when i heard my psp was in my hands. When i acaully held it in my hands guess what. Its broken. Now Now it wasnt me who broke it. Infact i didnt even touch it and it was broken. The people who fixed my psp seemed to send it back broken but this time they broke my analog stick off and scratched up my screen. Playstation said to send it back and they would give me a new one. Heh lets see if they do that or just send me mine back fixed with somone else broken instead :?.Well hope this doesnt happen when i get my FF games for the psp. Other than that ive just been playing oblivion on the Xbox that my friend lent me. Since he scratched his disk it kind of crashes some times but thats allright i can play with that. Hopefully when i get my psp its not broken. 

Things Are Turning Around

Well now my PSP is fixed and back in my hands. Back to Final Fantasy Tactics for me :). School seems to be going well also. Remberance day is over and my presentation i had to do to the school went off great. All my other classes seem to be doing alright so back to the games for me. Other than bein sick one day i have been havin great luck. Hope this keeps up for a while heh. :)

Curse You GlitchSpot

Gamespot has been kinda glitchy lately for me :(. Lv hasnt gained any exp in the last week my posts have been coming out all wierd. Rating and stuff has been all glitchy. Stuff dissapearing. Random things coming into inbox with nothing in them. Stuff not deleteing stuff not editing. *sigh* nothing has been going my way. my psp is still "waiting for testing" so that doesnt help me any eithor :(. Well guess theres nothing to do but to wait it out and hope some good luck comes my way :) 

Finishing up loose ends

Well ive been putting all of my games into Gamespot and since i hit level 3 on here i have been rating some of my games. But ive been pretty busy so it may take me a while to enter up the rest of my things. Ive been joining up with unions and been postin quite a bit but i still gotta play some games in my spare time so i have been trying to balance things out. I also have to go start to look for a job soon :P. Any way hopefully ill get my PS3 soon so i can start to game on that. While my psp is still in for repairs ive been playing on my Ps2 on some Final Fantasy hopeing to beat a few more while my PSP is still out. 

Finally Got Set Up

Havnt Been around to set up my Gamespot profile for a while and just got some time to set it up today. Nice to be back finally. Well bad news to start off. My psp broke a few days ago how? i dont know to tell you the truth. I try to keep my gear in the best condition it can be. I take all the extra mesures to make sure nothing touches my gear. Yet it still breaks. Maybe i slipped up one time but to tell you the truth i dont remember doing so. I have to send it in to get fixed at sony hopefully this will help it get all better so i can get back to gaming on Final Fantasy Tactics. Just as i started it seemed to break heh. So im on the computer and the Ps2 alot now due to the recent set back. Starting to replay most of my final fantasy games to see if i can get 100% in them. right now im working on FFX FFX-2 FFXII and Dirge Of Cerberus. Which are all great games. Well thats all i can say for my first post thanks for reading. 