To Good to Be True
by Jmah1337 on Comments
Well looks like things are going down again. It seems when i wrote my last part is when i heard my psp was in my hands. When i acaully held it in my hands guess what. Its broken. Now Now it wasnt me who broke it. Infact i didnt even touch it and it was broken. The people who fixed my psp seemed to send it back broken but this time they broke my analog stick off and scratched up my screen. Playstation said to send it back and they would give me a new one. Heh lets see if they do that or just send me mine back fixed with somone else broken instead :?.Well hope this doesnt happen when i get my FF games for the psp. Other than that ive just been playing oblivion on the Xbox that my friend lent me. Since he scratched his disk it kind of crashes some times but thats allright i can play with that. Hopefully when i get my psp its not broken.