of all the profile pictures and banners that i've created in my life (and i created quite a few in all my years on the internet), i must say this has got to be one of my favorites. i'm no master photoshopper, and most of the stuff i do is simple cropping/writing text on a picture, but i do believe i have an artistic eye (somewhat; i was an architect major for a year before dropping out due to laziness, and i can draw stuff semi-photorealistically (at least, i could in high school and college; haven't drawn anything in years)), and i try to frame all the pictures as best i can. i especially like how my profile name is smack in the middle of mia kirshner's leg. yum...
for those that don't know, mia kirshner is the actress who played the hot lesbian assassin in 24 (and also appears as a lesbian in the l word). i mean, a hot lesbian assassin is like what i would want to be if i could reinvent myself, so i think i'm gonna keep this for the rest of my gamespotting life. what do you guys think of my profile picture and banner?