About two weeks ago I put the Lego Batman game on hold at GameSTOP. I thought about how many Batman or Dark Knight fans there are and did not want to wrestle with them to purchase the game next Tuesday. I have not put a game on hold (pre-ordered) with a deposit for at least three years. I NEED this game... right now! I have XBL working again now that the internet was installed at my new place last night. :D
While catching up on the latest about the Lego Batman game, I came across this nifty Catwoman mobile; this has got to be the coolest looking thing ever. I also liked the way they didn't limit her to the Legos blocked visuals found in the game. In this shot she is laying on her side with one of her provocative poses. On another note, the Batgirl environment shots gave her the appearance much like the comic books resembles; she on a mission to save humankind from harm! I was ecstatic that there are a variety of female characters in this game.
On a similar note, DC Comics has been good about not killing off their female characters when it comes to their storyline, much more often than other comic book publishers. A few days ago I received an email from one of the distribution lists I am on. The lady mentioned that one of the games she played was going through the women in refrigerator syndrome. The link she provided went to a webpage about how comic book companies get rid of their main female characters. There are some valid points that were made. However, I can also see the point of view from the comic book authors as well.
It was refreshing to see that someone believes there should be more heroines in comic books. I find that it can apply to female characters in games and movies just the same. There has been an increase amount of female characters popping up more now than before. I will never expect there to be an even ratio between male and female characters in PC or video games, however, one can hope that will be many more of them. Having badass female characters brings more diversity in a game's storyline.