JodyR / Member

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E3 2012 Behind the Scenes

What's up everyone! Synthia and I have been updating the E3 2012 Behind the Scenes feature since about 2 weeks before E3 started. I also added tons of photos to the galleries this weekend. We're still adding more content this weekend so please do check it out now and dont forget to check back later.

I'll share some highlights about my experience in another blog, but I did want to share one my favorite pieces I put together, ClapTrap Goes To E3! He was quite the champ at E3 and got the attention from nearly everyone who saw him. If you're wondering how to get one of your own, check out Amazon. There's other places that have him if you do a google search too.

Here's one of many favorite shots I got with him.


That's all I have for now. Head on over to the Behind the Scenes feature page to check out what we've been doing if you haven't already! I'm off to cut some more video footage that was taken this week.