I was going through my necklaces this morning and grabbed a dragonfly necklace, but noticed that the kinds of stuff I like are often copper or silver (don't care for gold for some reason, it's too bland!). Then, I realized that I only have a Quake 1 bracelet I got back in late 90s from a place that made metal work and trophies for Unreal, Half-Life, and Quake, which is no longer around these days. I also have a wood piece World of Warcraft Horde necklace (FOR THE HORDE!). I do have tons of other schwag built up over the years from the days I worked at different companies in the game industry too (like some nod and GDI medals I got many years ago - maybe I should make them into 2 different necklaces?).
While I do have some industrial or sci-fi looking necklaces, I would like to grow my collection with video game related jewelry this year, even if that means I make my own out of stuff that is metal and worthy of drilling holes to make a pendant!
To start my hunt, I figured I'd reach out to all of you to ask about any places that sell game jewelry. Plastic jewelry is fine, but silver and copper will obviously be what I'll look for. And, if you have crafty mind, maybe you know of some regular schwag I can buy online that might be worthy of transforming into jewelry! Some of the games I'd like to see are listed on my watched games list.
Now, if you have jewelry that I'll probably never be able to get a hold of, feel free to share pictures here! Your jewelry might give me some ideas about how to create some for myself! :)