JodyR / Member

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GameSpot Players Network is happening!

Exciting news! We're trying to utilize what we have to get people connected in the games for the holidays. To do this, we've launched GameSpot Players Network, a place where we'll be sharing missions, similar to the way we used to share game nights or gameplay events that get you in the game with us, only difference, we're interviewing people and getting them on the GSPN Roster!

This feature is still under development so if you have suggestions or ideas, please send them our way! Now, on to another think I want to add to the feature, a type of gamer lingo page. I'm sure there's ways to find some of this data elsewhere, but it'd be fun to see what you all thing is the current lingo to today's standards. To jump start this, I'd like to humbly share some data from my old website. Granted, this was stuff written in the late 90s so some of these terms can be very outdated. But, hey, we can at least start with something!

UPDATE: GameSpot Players Network has an additional home on Steam. Join up the Steam Community!