JodyR / Member

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Happy Thanksgiving Roundup!

The bloggers wishing us a Happy Thanksgiving! @ShadowofSonic @shadow @psycho_chan13 @zyxe @Kravyn81 @BravoOneActual

I'd also like to wish everyone a Happy Thanksgiving if you celebrate it. If not, Happy Happy Thursday elsewhere! Check out this nifty Minecraft Thanksgiving Mod

Items planned aside from dealing with Minecon, Black Friday and adding more of you to the GameSpot Players Network, I also plan to do the following:

- Walking Dead Episode 5 (Finished last night! I'll post a video of my reactions later)
- Max Payne 3 (Instagram'd that I started playing it last night, it has a learning curve!)
- Call of Duty Black Ops 2. (I'm only level 14 and trying to get better at aiming with a game controller, my computer wont run BLOPS2 or I'd play it that way!). If you have XBL and plan to play, send me a friend invite or message to xpcaligirl.
- Halo 4 - Also playing the single player!
- I may play Borderlands 2, Dishonored and Skyrm if I get some time.
- Hiking on Saturday - hopefully I won't keep saying I'm Skyrim'ing like the last time I went hiking! :D