If you haven't heard of it yet, you probably haven't logged into GameSpot in the past few weeks. The Game Heroes will be facing off on September 1st so you'll want to get in your brackets before then. I'm looking for Jade sig banner so I can provide a type of campaign blog about her to link to. This will also give you all an idea of what I was talking about in the sticky thread of the Game Heroes forum.
Some old files I had with wallpaper is located on my old fan site located here. Each of the navigation menus also have some different logos I made when the game was released years ago. I'm sure the Beyond Good & Evil gamespace has images too.
Since I have so little time with work and evening/weekend school to create my own image kit, would someone create a signature that says to vote for her in the game heroes feature? You know, she does have a fierce opponent!
The best signature [follow the campaign rules] will receive a t-shirt and some other little schwag items I can send you!
UPDATE: Still looking for some Jade signatures! Have one so far (haven't checked link yet), but I'll continue to accept them until 4pm PT today. Any kind of border or bevel would be pretty awesome on the edges! You could also do a silhouette of her although she has some awesome green eyes!
UPDATE 2: Thanks for making the image kits! I'll showcase everyone's (any anyone else who makes any later in the submission thread) in a future blog post. As for the winner, it was whitemute and ClayMeow because I had a hard time choosing! Congrats.