JodyR / Member

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Mustache Mode!?!! t-shirt

Hello to everyone who tracks my blog! There is a lot of you and since you all seem to find me quite interesting to track I wanted to make it worth your while! :) I am giving away one plants vs. Zombies t-shirt (size Large) to the person who posts the best 'mustache' image on a zombie or plant character from the Plants vs Zombies game. Obviously, the zombie dude on the t-shirt below is exempt from this little activity. You can edit your own zombie or plant by drawing or pasting a mustache from a real person or clipart.

You can be as creative as you want with slogans or text bubbles in your image, just make sure the image stands out among others and include the mustache of the character from the game. Only 1 image submission per person, please.

Here is how to share your links with me.

First up! Make sure you send me a url of your image entry (it has to be made by you and not created by someone else on the internet)

- You can use your GameSpot profile image gallery feature.
- If you are not high enough level to access this feature use a 3rd party image uploading service.

Next up, paste that url in the comments of this blog.

You can edit your mustache on your zombie or plant character the way you'd like. You can also add sideburns or anything else that might help provide humor to your image. If any of you who aren't creative with photoshop also want to help other GameSpot users, you are welcome to do so by sending them a PM.

The way I'll be judging this little activity? I'd like to make sure you have a nice enough character shot to begin with. That means you should try to avoid find a super small image and re-sizing it large which will show too much pixelation. Make sure text is legible. Otherwise, there is no dimensions or resolution required. Large, medium, or small is fine

Volunteer mods who also track me are also welcome to try for this t-shirt as well.

Let me know if you have any questions in the comments or you can simply PM me. :)

I'll keep this up here until next Friday, and then select the winner hopefully some time next Friday.



Here are the entrants so far: Entrants:

Muy Caliente by gopulpfiction!

Zombie Princess by Wolf-5

Moustache of the Dead by edubucaneer

British Zombies vs Zombies by hesel

French Zombie by Stevo_the_gamer

Zombie Spazzed by matastig

Zombie Jackson by uas-2001

Zombie wants PIE by julianozuca

Super Mustache Edition by Elk