Have you ever noticed that the toys you played with as a child or the films you enjoyed watching may have some kind of association to what kinds of films, television shows and even video games you enjoy now? This weekend I noticed after watching the G.I.Joe film that there was a connection to what I enjoy today. G.I. Joe played a significant role in my childhood. I was in love with SnakeEyes back then (hate to admit that) but I thought he was mysterious and a misunderstood hero. I couldn't help but sigh each time I saw him on the screen this last weeekend. Completely enjoyed his childhood memories they have in the film. Just really connected with that portion of the film because of him.
I figured out that G.I. Joe was a root that caused me to get big into the Command & Conquer series in the late 90s. I loved that original game with so much passion, I knew most multiplayer mode strategies like the helicopter rush, nod bike rush and the terms used such as No HT. There was a huge community on the Mplayer multiplayer service; naturally I learned a lot of what I knew from those who played the game competitively. There's more of a rich history about the discrimination I faced as a female gamer at that time, but I will save that story for another day.
This weekend I created a silly video where I interview myself. I dressed up as a blonde host and interviewed my real self. Figured that if there is anything you all should consider is this... when you love something so much, consider the reasons behind that passion. There might be more to it than you may think. Being passionate about certain game genres comes from somewhere, and it is highly likely something to do with your past.