Yes, I got the zomg term from Bethany in case you didn't notice. I am going to mention some info about my union becauseI want to make sure you know about what I enjoy doing on the side. For years I have interviewed developers, publishers, media/website owners, gamers and teams on a variety of sites that I have worked with. The LadyGamers' Creed Union spotlights have been a tad different because I am able to dig a little deeper than I have with news at LGC is supposed to be more community driven and you'll even notice that the Female Gamer Spotlights will welcome any questions that you want to ask the interviewee. Since I've released every category I plan to feature at the LadyGamers' Creed Union, I wanted to mention the latest interviews that have been released. Here are the link-aroos!
Industry Spotlight
Glynnis Campbell is known for her voice-over acting in StarCraft and Diablo. Will her voice be in Starcraft II? We asked her...
Gamer Spotlights
princesszelda is a vblog queen on GameSpot, and she also assists as a volunteer moderator to keep our forums clean.
Oni is a very talented artist but you'll never know that a Ninja Nun exists until you read her interview!
Team Spotlights
Army Op Girlz can kick your butt at American's Army and there's not much you can do to stay alive around these ladies.
PMS has over 500 female gamers in their clan, and we talked to the ladies from the International Division.