The Games will be brilliant. To be honest i think sony should take a leaf out of Microsoft. Though i have go my ps3 on preorer i still feel that Sony is trying to con everyone out of money and Microsoft isnt. I feel Microsoft cares about its worldwide customers whereas sony only cares about the larger countries, a prime example of this is the PS3 release, it was set for November, now it is set for March in Europe. So i feel there should be a drop in the price of the ps3, afterall us the UK are paying nearly the most for the PS3 but still we are getting it last. I think yet again Sony should incorperate ideas from the xbox 360 like when you press the centre button on the Xbox your game does not stop but it pauses and you can then look at your messages and listen to a bit of music, still with your game waiting for you in the background. I see this idea and feel it could be improved with extra features, and we all know sony can do this just by sending out another update, and what does it matter if the update is 1gb, we have 60gb to mess about with and to be honest i dont think people are gonna find alot to fill that with. Sony also needs the equivelent of Xboxs Gamerscore achievments, because it looks like Xbox players can get better things for their games hile PS3 players have to pay for new content, and to be honest id rather have it free, because, like many gamers i am under 16 and money does not grow on trees for me, i mean i have to borrow money for my ps and after paying that off i dont know where my next game is going to come from, nevermind mu next level for Resistance Fall of Man. at the moment it seems like Xbox 360 is the better console, but you can never compare these consoles because one has been out a year while the other has barely ot its second generation of games. But you can compare that 360 proves to be loyal in that it released its console hen it said and never delayed it for over a year like the PS3. So you wunder why i have got that ps3 on preorder when really i sound like a 360 fan, because i feel that the PS3 will be alot better than the 360 in time to come, plus i have always been a playstation fan, even if it is made by what i feel is a robbing company.
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