Yeah, yeah, been a while since i last wrote to the blog, ah well cut me some slack for no reason.
Lego Star Wars II, I love it, it's fun, it's creative, it's even slightly addictive. I have somehow become fixed on possibley getting 100% in that blasted game!
I slipped the game into the xbox after a fair bit of gears of war online, now GoW online can get a bit frustrating at times so I decided to play star wars so i can get a bit of relaxation. Anyways! i put my disc into the machine...
at first i wasn't a bit worried cus this happens a good bit, so i simply ejected the game and put it back, and it didnt work again. Now i was getting a bit annoyed so i did it again, and it didnt work again. Now i was worried but i never gave up hope cause you gota understand I love this game.
After 15-20 tries i faced the harsh reality that my Lego Star Wars II is broken. and my heart sank, hasnt been the same without it.
On the plus side! my Gears of War CD has 3 large cracks on the shiny side of the disc and it still works!
Man, i gota start looking after my games :s
JoeAlmighty Blog
Joe (and his bro) go next-gen
by JoeAlmighty on Comments
Well, all this talk about "next generation" and "high definition" and "high-tech super power stations" and "ps3 being able to do 20trillian calculations per second (impressive!)" finally got me up of me arse and go next-gen.
The PS3 is brilliant, stunning visuals, gameplay is rendered with breath-taking realism and a supercool controller.... i wish i had one :( . But anyways, thats besides the point... i got a 360! and i love it! I bought a gears of war bundle pack and i cant get enough of it, gears of war is easily the best game i've ever played, its a milestone in the gaming industry and sets the new standards for games all over the world.
I also set up my xbox live account. Its brilliant. The fact you can make friends over console games and send messages and all that shtuff just does it for me. AND UNO!
But the thing that surprised me the most about my xbox is...
My lil bro is no gamer. Dosnt have the modern cop-on to just pick up a game and make it "work", he just dosnt understand how these things work. The only games he EVER plays are soccer games, cus he loves it. He hated all other types of games, had no interest in them whatsoever....
He is done stairs right now playing Gears of War. He loves it. Hes now interested in all shooting games, i even showed him Lego Star Wars 2 which he loves also (great game btw).
What im trying to say is: My bro, a complete non-gamer, is now a gamer. He had no interest in games until i got my 360, now he cant get enough. So, next-gen systems appeal to all.
The PS3 is brilliant, stunning visuals, gameplay is rendered with breath-taking realism and a supercool controller.... i wish i had one :( . But anyways, thats besides the point... i got a 360! and i love it! I bought a gears of war bundle pack and i cant get enough of it, gears of war is easily the best game i've ever played, its a milestone in the gaming industry and sets the new standards for games all over the world.
I also set up my xbox live account. Its brilliant. The fact you can make friends over console games and send messages and all that shtuff just does it for me. AND UNO!
But the thing that surprised me the most about my xbox is...
My lil bro is no gamer. Dosnt have the modern cop-on to just pick up a game and make it "work", he just dosnt understand how these things work. The only games he EVER plays are soccer games, cus he loves it. He hated all other types of games, had no interest in them whatsoever....
He is done stairs right now playing Gears of War. He loves it. Hes now interested in all shooting games, i even showed him Lego Star Wars 2 which he loves also (great game btw).
What im trying to say is: My bro, a complete non-gamer, is now a gamer. He had no interest in games until i got my 360, now he cant get enough. So, next-gen systems appeal to all.
Joes' psychedelic philosophical view on the phenominal Nintendo Wii.
by JoeAlmighty on Comments
So, the Wii.
We've just been fed sooo much info about the Wii in one huge lump. It's difficult to decipher what is cool, what is solid, what is certain and i'm pretty sure there is some not so cool things buried in the large lump of, what appears to be, grooviness.
Well in the simplest form i can give you my view of this whole operation is as follows:
Satisfactory. I know for certain that I shall claim one of these groovy machines as my own. And the fact that the new Zelda game is at launch makes it all that more talkable aboutable. Now, I'm not gona lie to you fellas but i've never been much of a Zelda fan. I always just picked up a copy of the game 6months+ after release. Before you go pointing the accusing finger yell "poser!" I will gladly admit to you that I am only recently a fan of Nintendo. Don't hate me, please. Welcome me! It's the Nintendo way. Well, i've drifted far enough from topic I shall now get back to the point. I've never been much of a Zelda supporter...
... But.
I can tell this is gona be a good one. Leading Nintendo's march into the 3rd gen battle, Zelda is certain to be a good one. Nintendo have to much pride and to much to lose to throw a disappointing Zelda game onto theWii, first imprssions are everthing!
As for the rest of the games. This slightly disappoints me. They are all kiddie games, bar maybe Red Steel. I was hoping that Nintendo would break out of their mould of being a "childs console". Saying that, I have heard the rumours that GTA may be comming to the Wii and the Reggie says he "wants more adult orientated games on the Wii". I still think that this first bunch of games will be slightly childish. Don't get me wrong, I'm looking forward to the fun factor of these games, how the new control will render a whole new experience for us. But this will eventually become common-place and when this happens people will be craving for deeper more storyline orientated games.
The Channels web browser thingy. For now I have no comment, I have no positive nor negative thoughts of this. The fact it's an internet browser on your Wii but you gotta pay for it balances my see-saw of thought.
What else???
The WiFi connection I think is great, it's so easily accesable, no wires, easy to install. It's what wii've always wanted in an online capable console. Not to mention I have a WiFi usb gizmo sitting infront of me at the ready.
That's all for now, I think i've wrote to much.
That Joes' two cents.
Joe Out!
We've just been fed sooo much info about the Wii in one huge lump. It's difficult to decipher what is cool, what is solid, what is certain and i'm pretty sure there is some not so cool things buried in the large lump of, what appears to be, grooviness.
Well in the simplest form i can give you my view of this whole operation is as follows:
Satisfactory. I know for certain that I shall claim one of these groovy machines as my own. And the fact that the new Zelda game is at launch makes it all that more talkable aboutable. Now, I'm not gona lie to you fellas but i've never been much of a Zelda fan. I always just picked up a copy of the game 6months+ after release. Before you go pointing the accusing finger yell "poser!" I will gladly admit to you that I am only recently a fan of Nintendo. Don't hate me, please. Welcome me! It's the Nintendo way. Well, i've drifted far enough from topic I shall now get back to the point. I've never been much of a Zelda supporter...
... But.
I can tell this is gona be a good one. Leading Nintendo's march into the 3rd gen battle, Zelda is certain to be a good one. Nintendo have to much pride and to much to lose to throw a disappointing Zelda game onto theWii, first imprssions are everthing!
As for the rest of the games. This slightly disappoints me. They are all kiddie games, bar maybe Red Steel. I was hoping that Nintendo would break out of their mould of being a "childs console". Saying that, I have heard the rumours that GTA may be comming to the Wii and the Reggie says he "wants more adult orientated games on the Wii". I still think that this first bunch of games will be slightly childish. Don't get me wrong, I'm looking forward to the fun factor of these games, how the new control will render a whole new experience for us. But this will eventually become common-place and when this happens people will be craving for deeper more storyline orientated games.
The Channels web browser thingy. For now I have no comment, I have no positive nor negative thoughts of this. The fact it's an internet browser on your Wii but you gotta pay for it balances my see-saw of thought.
What else???
The WiFi connection I think is great, it's so easily accesable, no wires, easy to install. It's what wii've always wanted in an online capable console. Not to mention I have a WiFi usb gizmo sitting infront of me at the ready.
That's all for now, I think i've wrote to much.
That Joes' two cents.
Joe Out!
The Wii
by JoeAlmighty on Comments
So there I was, sitting in biology class doing my work (in leaving cert so getting ready for the biggest test of my life, so working hard!!!) and then my teacher leaves the classroom and I turn to my friend, whom we shall hence forth call Ross, and said "so, Wii, PS3 or 360" and he said "wha a wii?" and i said "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" and so I tried to explain what the Wii was, it went something like this "Well, it's uhhhh.... kinda like... uuhh. it's this yolk that uhhhh... its a 3rd gen console that uhh.... it's this motion sensor thing that uhhh.... fun.... er... yeah."
Then it hit me, it's bloody hard to desribe whats going to make the Wii great, I resorted to swing my arms around imitating Project H.A.M.M.E.R! Then I got in trouble by the Doyle (teacher) for "acting the fool!!!".
Can you describe the Wii? Go on give it a shot.
Then it hit me, it's bloody hard to desribe whats going to make the Wii great, I resorted to swing my arms around imitating Project H.A.M.M.E.R! Then I got in trouble by the Doyle (teacher) for "acting the fool!!!".
Can you describe the Wii? Go on give it a shot.
Mario Kart DS? the sh1t?
by JoeAlmighty on Comments
Bought Mario Kart DS today, and with it this lil wi-fi usb connector gizmo. Very cool stuff. Did my head in trying to install though. Just won me 1st game online (was complete fluke!). Those bastards didn't see it comming by a long shot (was 4th for the whole race). Still trying to figure out how to unlock things. Have no idea how to so that deserves one of these. Bollocks!
Anyways, Mario Kart DS is a great game, i'm loving it anyway. Huzzah!!!
Joe Out!
Anyways, Mario Kart DS is a great game, i'm loving it anyway. Huzzah!!!
Joe Out!
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