Planned Parenthood head lashes out at Cardinal O'Malley
Cardinal Sean O'Malley / Dianne Luby; Photo Credit: Boston Globe
Boston, Nov 21, 2008 / 10:19 pm (CNA).- Dianne Luby, the head of the Planned Parenthood League of Massachusetts has responded to comments by Cardinal Sean O'Malley after the prelate criticized President-elect Obama and Planned Parenthood. Charging that his comments diminish his credibility, she argued that Catholics "overwhelmingly support" the "views and services" offered by Planned Parenthood and advocated by Obama.
She also claimed Planned Parenthood shares common ground with the Catholic Church on working to reduce "risky behavior among young people" and the need for abortions.
Luby's reply was directed to the Boston Globe's Michael Paulson, who had interviewed the cardinal.
In his interview with Paulson after Election Day, the cardinal had remarked that Obama "is possibly in the pocket of Planned Parenthood, which in its origins was a very racist organization to eliminate the blacks, and it's sort of ironic that he's been co-opted by them." He also said Obama had a "deplorable" record on pro-life issues and argued that church-going Catholics reflect the Church's teaching, though "not as much as we'd like them to."
Luby, the President and CEO of the Planned Parenthood League of Massachusetts, responded to Cardinal O'Malley in a message to Paulson.
"It diminishes Cardinal Sean P. O'Malley's credibility when he attacks President-elect Barack Obama and Planned Parenthood for views and services his own members overwhelmingly support," Luby claimed, saying the cardinal and several other "participants at the US Conference of Catholic Bishops" are "eager to jump into politics."
She said it would be good for the bishops "to understand why their messages didn't stick with their primary audience," claiming that Obama succeeded because of his ability to "propose solutions that reflect the reality of issues faced by the American people."
Luby then cited statistics claiming 92 percent of married Catholics use some form of birth control, while 72 percent of Massachusetts Catholic voters support "comprehensive sex education."
"These are issues that the Catholic Church and Cardinal O'Malley have repeatedly refused to acknowledge as a mainstream part of health and education in our society," she argued, saying "Perhaps Cardinal O'Malley should spend less time sharing political opinions and more time listening to the reality of life for his own constituency."
Luby claimed the Catholic Church has "an opportunity to reconnect with their members around these issues," arguing that Obama had succeeded with voters by "highlighting messages about preventing unintended pregnancy and reducing the need for abortion." Luby professed that Planned Parenthood shares that belief and said the group would work with Cardinal O'Malley to reach that goal.
Additionally, she claimed 70 percent of Planned Parenthood services "are related to preventative care, not abortion."
She also argued Cardinal O'Malley and other bishops "have a lot of work to do in order to reconnect with their members," citing failed pro-life initiatives in California, Colorado, and South Dakota.
CNA spoke with the Archdiocese of Boston to obtain a reaction to Luby's letter, but a response was unavailable by press time.
Subscriber comments: Published by: daniel
greensburg,Pa. 23/11/2008 11:08 AM EST
Cardinal O'Malley is doing what he is supposed to do.Teach All Nations.He is teaching moral truth. A great number of Catholics have a deaf and dumb spirit,therefore,they believe the lie.Planned Parenthood can help reduce abortions by not performing them and also not funding them financially.Let Luby put her words into actions. Rate this comment: Excellent Very Good Good Regular Bad Published by: Litte Ree
Omaha NE USA 23/11/2008 10:24 AM EST
It's ashame that Ms. Luby just doesn't get it. The Catholic Church does not "change" because of people's opinions. The Church is the Rock and always has been. Cardinal O'Malley is bound by God himself to tell and teach the truth. We as the lay community are hungry for his message and we long to hear his words to stand up for the Catholic faith and what it teaches. And he does it with such love. The only reason in my opinion that so many Catholics voted the way they did is that many the Shepherds of our churches did not make it clear and when they did it was too late.
So Cardinal O'Malley, ROCK ON! Thanks for your Vocation and heeding the call of Christ.
Blessings and prayers ALWAYS. Rate this comment: Excellent Very Good Good Regular Bad Published by: Michael
Nebraska 23/11/2008 01:33 AM EST
Sorry, gotta stick with the bishops, not with Planned Parenthood. If Catholics are following Planned Parenthood and not their bishop, then they need to seriously rethink their morals, ethics, and their commitment to Jesus Christ. Rate this comment: Excellent Very Good Good Regular Bad Published by: Jack
NY 22/11/2008 11:41 PM EST
Listen to her, telling the bishop that he and the bishops "have a lot of work to do in order to reconnect with their members." Who does she think she is? She stands for evil and should re-connect with God. Rate this comment: Excellent Very Good Good Regular Bad Published by: R Eicher
Orlando, Fl, USA 22/11/2008 10:07 PM EST
Rather, it more diminishes the credibility of the Church's "members," than it does the Cardinal's. Rate this comment: Excellent Very Good Good Regular Bad Published by: Mary Hadfield
Nashua, NH 22/11/2008 03:27 PM EST
Way to go Cardinal Sean! You're the best. Rate this comment: Excellent Very Good Good Regular Bad Published by: Robert Charlton, SS.CC.
Edinburg, TX USA 22/11/2008 01:01 PM EST
Although Planned Parenthood attempts to distance itself in some ways from founder
Margaret Sanger's well documented racism, it is clear that the organization continues to target demographically poorer groups (read Black and Hispanic) neighborhoods and schools. Catholics should not be fooled into thinking that we share common ground with PPL. That some Catholics use some form of contraception may is true, but various sources quote differing percentages. However, it does not make it right. There is a difference between a hierarchical communion and democratic constituency. Luby could take note of that. Rate this comment: Excellent Very Good Good Regular Bad Published by: Paul Caron
Springfield Mo 22/11/2008 11:08 AM EST
We need better debaters to voice our beliefs to this radical left that is talking for the masses. Rate this comment: Excellent Very Good Good Regular Bad Published by: Jeff Johnson
Collegeville, Mn 22/11/2008 10:09 AM EST
Dianne Luby is full of lies, and she is an agent of the father of all lies, Satan.
Planned parenthood butchers more unborn children than any other organization, and great consequences will come from her remarks, in due time, just as the blood Planned Parenthood spills annually will do harm to this country.
Yes, pro life initiatives failed, but this fight for life is just is hardly over. Rate this comment: Excellent Very Good Good Regular Bad Published by: Lisa
Denver, CO, USA 22/11/2008 08:27 AM EST
OK, so then, only 30% of Planned Parenthood is, by Luby's tacit admission, dedicated to abortion. By her skewed logic, that then exonerates Planned Parenthood from the claims against it that her organization is anti-life. By the same "logic", if I helped 70% of my children and only killed 30% of them, i guess I'd be considered a model citizen.
Oh please . . . . Rate this comment: Excellent Very Good Good Regular Bad Published by: Baby Rose
IL USA 22/11/2008 01:35 AM EST
Any person who is authetically Christian; Catholics foremost--who is trying to live a virtuous life & follow Jesus' commandments was obligated by the Gospel to cast a moral vote, not for selfish agendas & for the welfare of the most vulnerable members of society for the good of society. This does not include pro-murder of innocents; abortion & infanticide. It seems that our country only gives lip service to Christianity failing to live it out in daily choices & actions! Jesus asks, "will there be faith on earth when i return?" Rate this comment: Excellent Very Good Good Regular Bad Published by: Pat
Texas 22/11/2008 12:37 AM EST
A majority does not make something good or the truth - go back to 1933 and ask the German people about that.
Only the living can swim upstream. The dead float along downstream with the rest of the, um, waste and trash. Rate this comment: Excellent Very Good Good Regular Bad Published by: Turfkiller
GA, U.S. 21/11/2008 11:15 PM EST
Dianne Luby is being insincere in her believing the Bishops and she have common goals.
However is is correct in that Cardinal O'Mally and other bishops have failed their parishioners completely. The Church is not updating as mandated by the Vatican II. Additionally the Bishops here like those in the Philippines are trying to conscript governments to force their parishioners to follow their teachings to make up for their failures.