E3: My thoughts
by Joekster on Comments
Hello. Joekster here. I am going to basically tell you about what I think about, well, everything that happens in games, as well as movies and music. Today's topic? E3. Let's be honest, All of you reading this were either glued to your computer screen watching E3, actually there (you lucky dogs), or you accidentally ended up on my blog while trying to buy shoes on Amazon. Altogether, E3 was AMAZING! Good things about Microsoft: CoD looks sick, Battlefield 3 had me drooling, and Minecraft is coming to the big screen! Can I get a hallelujah brother? Good things about Nintendo: Zelda's coming back, and . . . . . DA WII U! Now, to be honest, I hate that name. But I figuratively exploded when they announced that Darksiders, Batman, assassin's creed, and battlefield 3 were coming. Oh, and don't forget Metro either. Well that wraps up all of the conferences I've seen so far. If you like this, please friend me. If you don't like this, I will still let you friend me anyway. Until next time.
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