FUN: What else can I say about video games? They must give me this, give me fun or die! My first video game was an Odyssey, from Phillips, that I bought in 1983, the nostalgical 80's (I even won a video game tournament, when I was 12). The Odyssey was ridiculous, very, very, how can I say, rudimentary (was it the first generation video games?).But it gave me several hours of FUN! At that time there was another video game, which I usually played in my friend's house, the Atary, with good games, lots of them. After this, I stopped playing video games, although my sister had one, called Phantom System, and I played some Mario Bros games, but not frequently... Then I played some PC games, like Doom (also with modem, like the on line mode we have nowadays, against friends), Duke Nuken, Fifa series etc.
A few years ago, I got the playstation: PS2, to be more specific. Well, for someone who played the old video games, the PS2, for me, looked fantastic, great! I was fascinated! And, to be honest, I play PS2 games even now, however I own a PS3. Because the PS2 has games that we can't stopping playing: Def Jam Fight for NY, GTA series, Yakuza, Call of Duty series, Gun, Shinobido, Tekken 5, Shadow of Rome, God of War II, Hitman, Mortal Kombat, Soul Calibur III... Well, in my PS2, I played lots of Fifa series too, but when I got the Fifas from PS3, no way, are completely different... PS2 gives me hours and hours of real FUN! Don't know how many hours I spend playing old files of GTA or Def Jam and never, never get bored!
Finally, PS3 games: more realistic, with graphics that are almost perfect (maybe very close to this). The games from PS3 provides an enormous immersion, where the player can really do lots of things, having several possibilities of doing a mission. When I played for the first time the game Assassin's Creed I got ecstatic, with no words to describe (could even be just watching the game, just because of the splendorous graphic!). The GTA IV: o, this is what I call immersion, we can just walk in the city, not doing the missions, just for FUN, as if we really lived in Liberty City! However, the games I most play from PS3 are: Fifa series and Modern Warfare. Here, no words, they are everything! They are like oxygen: can't live without them! Here, I'm not talking about just FUN, but about something essential, extremaly necessary. Is this foolish? Well, I just love video games, and games like Fifa or Modern Warfare justify my passion... I mean, Fifa, Modern Warfare, Shinobido, GTAs and Def Jam...Nowadays, I play specifically Fifa 10 and Modern Warfare on line modes; for PS2, Shinobido and Def Jam.
Like books and music, video games are my life, they are oxygen, they give me the opportunity to be in the world of fantastic, where everything is possible, where everything is FUN!