20 Hours Into Oblivion
by JoeyHawk on Comments
So far, I've logged over 20 hours in Oblivion, and I'm loving it. The game really feels immersive, like you're in this living, breathing world where you can do whatever you want. The occasional A.I. glitches are evident, but they don't bother me at all, in fact, I find them funny. Slashing your fellow warrior in the back with your sword and hearing them say "Hey, I'm on your side!" is just priceless... So my character is a level 9 Dark Elf of the Berserker class (That's a custom class I made). The character development feels very deep and involved, like you actually have an influence on how this character will turn out. Things like birthsigns, for instance, are very innovative and clever. Since I decided for my character to be born under "The Warrior" birthsign, his Strength and Endurance stats are boosted. Overall, Oblivion is not only my favorite Xbox 360 game so far, but also one of the best games I have ever played. Don't expect a review from me for a while...