JoeyHawk / Member

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5k Posts and Graphics Request Extravaganza! (Free Candy + Funny Stories Inside)

Just to fulfill my promise, here's a funny story. Okay, I was like, tying my shoes, and I accidentally tied them together. LMFAO, I know. Oh, and here's some candy *throws a Fig Newton at your face*, there ya go. Now that that's out of the way... I have to gather my thoughts here. Okay, now I remember. Yeah, I reached 5,000 posts here on GameSpot today. I have a feeling my posting activity may decline even more here though, as I signed up for Liquid Lurker yesterday and am loving it! (Does that make grammatical sense?) Don't worry though, I'm still gonna post in blogs a ton -- that's where a lot of my posting comes from. On top of that, I'll probably get tired of the tongue-in-cheek, off-topic style that Liquid Lurker has to offer and end up here again talking about games. In like, two days. So basically what I said earlier was a lie. I'm not leaving you guys! Oh, and I need a new sig. Someone, please just get me the animated GIF of Tenacious D's song "Tribute"... the part where Jack and Kyle have light coming out from behind them and the demon covers his ears. It's pretty popular here on teh internets, I'm just too lazy to look. Oh, and put a border around it, please! And JoeyHawk somewhere. It's gonna take some animating talent, but I'm confident someone here can make it happen. Hopefully. Thanks in advance. Anyway... still playing Dead Rising and Animal Crossing. Almost done with 72-hour mode (took me long enough, didn't it?), and I'm just running around talking to people in Animal Crossing. My character has triangle shades, a racing shirt, and spikey blonde hair. He's a badass. Just wait until I put on that regent wig I ordered from Tom Nook. Fonz, watch out, Joey's coming! Pompadours FTW.