Flu: Day 4
by JoeyHawk on Comments
Yeah, I've got the flu. I mentioned having a headache and cough a couple blog entries ago, but this is what it actually was. At first I thought the headache was from eyestrain, because I had been playing games non-stop the day before I started feeling sick, but I guess I was wrong. Now the cough has also turned into a cold as well, my ears are plugged, I'm nauseous, and I have no energy. So I'm sitting here, in my bed, writing this blog while I listen to the constant noise of a power-washer right outside my window. I can't really eat much, and I get dizzy playing games, so now I just have to try to keep busy on GameSpot while I wait this flu out. These are the times when I really wish had a decent DVD collection. Let's see what we've got here. Endless Summer, The Cooler, and Family Guy seasons 1-4. Aw yeah. Well, that's what's been goin' on with me lately. I'll talk to you guys later.