[QUOTE="Redfingers"]Ratchet> Banjo
Yes I can
It's made by Naughty Dog, there are platforming elements en masse
Ace Combat is supposedly a timed exclusive
Most insane statement I've ever read. For a reality check, compare GTHD to Forza 2. Then, magnify expectations by 5 and see a Forza 2 ***stomping party in the future.
Again: announced 2008 titles>unannounced 2008 titles...360 has what in 2008?
Something tells me that you have never played Forza 2.
Something tells me that the way you judge a games worth is based purely on how good it looks.
And something tells me that you are going to get a massive reality check when E3 rolls around and Sony isn't the only one announcing new games.
Something tells me the way he judges games is with his Sony blinders on. If it isn't on the PS3 it sucks, and if it is on the PS3 and another console, it is better on the PS3. He is simply a fanboy.
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