Hello all my lovely readers,
I am sure that you all have experienced something akin to this.
Player1: So, what do you think of X unit in Y rts game?
Player2: Y gam suckzorz!1!elevenone!! Z gam iz teh bestest!
Player1: Come on, it isn't that bad, but back on topic. What do you think about X unit?
Player2: U suckzorz! Your Mom, Dog, Cat, Goldfish, socks, spoon, + dirt suckzorz!!!!
Player1: What are you going on about? Do you even have this game?
While this is a very comical representation of trolling it demonstrates a serious defect in any online setting. The ability to post without showing who you really are leads people to do crazy things for fun. While they may think it is fun it harms all those involved.
Trolling IS against the TOS, but little is done about the bulk of it. My good friend Tekmet has become angry at the current lack of moderation and punishment for trolls. He has been on some of the worst boards for trolling and I can honestly say that I would not dare reprint some of the stupidity he has seen, after all I don't want to give my readers headaches.
He has started an inititive to help keep the trolls at bay. He plans on creating a list of known trolls and a community of Troll Hunters. Read his blog here for the most important parts of his idea.
Remember, only you can prevent trolls!