John1918 / Member

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Goodbye All,

Yes, I started off with 'Goodbye,' you might be able to guess where this is headed.

On Monday college fires up, ergo, not going to be around much at all. Stepping down at both of the 'True' unions, though I still am working on my list of tasks for the 40k one. Otherwise, I might come around to blogs, and pm's will be checked some, just not sure how much. It all depends how much work I have to do, and that will only get to be more as a late-starting class fires up.

Needed to do this anyways, I've been pushing myself way too hard, free time is gone, and gaming-time is just when I am skivving off other time. So it's for the best. :)

MSN will still get some attention from me, as will my email addresses, and my mod will be getting some as well. Otherwise, not so much, I'm even putting my novel on a back-burner until I get the crazy bottled up.

Not gone for good, yet, but gone mostly.

-Adieu, Arrivederci, Goodbye, John