Hello All,
I figured that its time this blog changed...mostly to keep your minds busy on something else other than the last one. A few little things have happened that might be found interesting by some of you out there...poor, poor, people.
Thus far nobody has sent a pm to me about the game I was talking about in the last blog, not even a wild guess. So here is a couple of more clues. "My name is shared by the Grecian word for ruler, and as you battle with the forces of Light and Dark you truly feel as such." And I am feeling generous, so here is part of a screenshot.
Yesterday my little brother had his first t-ball game, and, shockingly, he was one of the few kids who had a clue what was going on. I'm still not sure if I should be proud of him, or just dislike his coach even more...(she didn't even have the kids stretch before the game)...It looks with increasing certainty that next year will see me being a coach, don't congratulate me until after I don't kill any of the kids. :wink:
You might have also noticed a distinctive lack of John yesterday, the family is considering buying a pontoon boat, and a dealer had a special event going where they would take you out on the boat and let you test-drive it a bit. So I now sit here with a bit of a sunburn, making it even harder to concentrate.
Weather here has yet again taken itself to another extreme, yesterday it was in the mid eighties, something that really shouldn't happen around now up in the mountains. Then again it still is supposed to rain, something we really need to have happen, within a few days. Mind last week that it snowed...
I'm currently trying to get some of my college work done far ahead of the original schedule because one of my teachers decided to push all the deadlines up a week or two...I happened to not get the email telling me this either, so I got lucky and stumbled across it. I also have an absence of a day during the work week (like the weekend actually stops it :roll: ) that I have to plan ahead for. But its too important of family matter for me to skip over, something to do with a long story about my Grandmother and my extremely manipulative and unloving aunt.
I have also been reminded by the leader of the union that BooBS deserves a place in such a B'ing blog post. :wink: It is an off-topic union with a nice community of people who are very friendly, though they may terrify the unitiated...:D But that happens with most unions that have lower numbers of really active posters, and some of my friends have already decided to follow me there...despite my lack of invitations. :roll: All interested parties can come here!
Well thats enough rambling for now, after all, I don't want to kill anybody with all the insanity I could post here. :D