Hello All,
Yes, it is me again, don't worry, should be the last one for a time or two. :P Just figured that I had to add to the latent whirl of psychosis, that some tell me was supposed to actually be the second week in October, with my story.
It mostly is the peak of a build up of forces that have been churning for awhile now, and for those with short attention spans I will summarize: John worked himself PAST his limit to near insanity; he apparently angered his mother; he is now going to live in an apartment 90+ miles away for awhile; he finally got paid his rightful financial support (3 months late); and he didn't quite f-up his major project that he has been slaving on for weeks. :| Ok, now all you short attention span people go look at a pretty butterfly. :P
Ok, for those who want to read a little more. :roll:
Apartment :| [spoiler] I've been having escalating problems with the family, mostly with my mother, and they came to a head a short while ago. I still have no clue whatsoever (yes I did ask them) why exactly they got so very angry, and at times very nasty, so quickly.
One night, after returning from cl@ss at the normal time of midnight, I found my mother waiting for me, a few words that were normal were passed around, and then she let loose. I think she was rather confused, because no matter how low she hit with her words, I would not say anything back. (John's anger was too close to boiling to safely say anything) I was a bit hurt by the comment that I have done nothing useful at all for well over a year, I personally would say I do have some uses...like providing free technical work, normally running $50 an hour easily...they would probably have had to pay thousands in just a year for what I provide on just that. Still, I am happy to say I held my tongue the entire time.
That led to the decision that I am going to be staying down in the city in an apartment, probably a one bedroom from the looks of it, for some reason they would be cheaper than a studio. :? That was a bit distressing, because at that point I would have had to break into my long-term savings in order to pay for anything. Now I'm in a bit better shape financially, and on Tuesday I'm going to go look at a couple of places, and if I like what I see, I could be moving on the weekend. [/spoiler]
Project :D [spoiler] My project for school, I think I have referenced this allot, was to re-do the entire computer and networking system for a small corporation, along with a team-mate. Last Thursday happened to be the day we presented what turned into a large and very complex design, it was a oral presentation, given as if you were attempting to sway the company's administrators to hire you.
Most of the presenters, as would be expected of aspiring network technicians, were as compelling and exciting as long dead fish sitting in the sun. I was, extraordinarily energetic that night because of a good morning, and injected what was already a compelling project with tasteful humor, intelligence, and backstory behind our choices...in the end, it seems we had over-thought the project, but we also knew that we would have gotten the job with no contest had it been real. I also found that I can place rather exceptional confidence in my ability to speak in public, because it is extremely natural for me. :) [/spoiler]
Tuesday o_0 [spoiler] Ok, now Tuesday, the 9th, of last week...most of the people I have talked to in person, and many online had something odd happen that day, or in some cases, a whole hell of allot of odd somethings. :lol:
Personally, I woke up feeling not as bad as the day before. (when I nearly had a breakdown when a couple hours of hard work got destroyed on my computer :|) But it really was still a pretty bad day in the beginning, until I got my mail. I actually got a couple very nice things in it, and the one I will tell you all about was getting a check for my financial aid, probably the moment I most needed good news to prevent a total brain crash, it came. (mind, it should NOT have come by any means when it did, 99% chance of NO)
That lifted my spirits for the rest of the day immensely, and marked a point after which my life has become more manageable. Later that day I ended up having a row with my parents, again, and this one ended with them being dead-set on still wanting me gone for awhile, but also wanting to help fiscally with my departure. o_0 Later still, I ended up getting some of my most important work done...yet I found a hole in the project's development that could have destroyed it and had to stay up till 4 to fix it. :?
Overall, the day had many, many, many, big things happen, some good, some bad, some that I will not even venture to guess upon. :lol: [/spoiler]
So, yeah, lots of stuff happening, not sure if I will be able to be online much because my apartment will not have internet as I will be too poor :wink: (unless I can leach wireless :D)...so those with my MSN, I may not be on much, though that may become the best way to contact me, so ask for it if you want it...though I only give it to special people after my experience of getting bugged allot. :P
Oh yeah, the title comes from the Jimmy Buffet song "Changes In Latitudes, Changes In Attitudes," not a bad song, I know it fairly well.
- Sincerely, Best Wishes, and Love, (pick that which applies best to you :wink: ), John
(P.S. Yes Orkhammer, you are probably the only one to notice that this blog is categorized as fashion. :wink: )
(P.P.S This took me less than ten minutes to write if you wondered why I spend so much time making blogs. :lol: )