John1918 / Member

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Help the World, One Step at a Time

Hello Everyone,

 This is a special purpose blog, it isn't to tell you about my latest troubles, nor about my unions or activities. It is about helping the world and about an innovative new way to do so.

 First of all I must thank my friend _Sam_ for his blog telling me about it. Thanks _Sam_. :wink:

 There are many problems in this world that we must strive against. Cancer, AIDs, global warming, so many curse balls have been tossed at humanity it is a wonder we are still standing.

 Microsoft has started a partnership with several organizations that are attempting to fight back against the onslaught of ever-mounting problems in this world.

 If you sign up, which is free, they will give money from their advertising income to an organization of your choice whenever you have a conversation with their instant messenger.

 For all those of you who have the messenger already, or who have been looking to get it, this is a no-brainer. It costs you nothing, and it gives to a worthy cause of your choosing.

 Remember that nothing good has ever come about in history by someone sitting on the sidelines and doing nothing, only action, from the greatest to the smallest, has a chance to change the world.

 Click on the image below to get to the site to download the newest version, or just follow my instructions.

 Start the messenger, go to your options, changer your name by adding one of these to your name, click ok.

 Text Code Cause

*red+u  American Red Cross

*bgca    Boys & Girls Clubs of America

*naf      National AIDS Fund

*mssoc  National Multiple Sclerosis Society


*sierra    Sierra Club


*komen   Susan G. Komen for the Cure

*unicef    The US fund for UNICEF

Add the star symbol * and then the code letters/numbers. Mine was John1918, then I changed it to John1918*help.
