Hello All,
So...lately I have been having a bit of a hard time wrapping myself around the more "serious" chunks of GS. Blogs I've been reading and commenting on some of the, my unions I've been visiting, but doing little more than the odd comment, and PMs...well, I've answered a couple...:roll: But more on that in it's own place. :P
The reformat went fairly well, and the comp is doing much better now. Unfortunately I lost most of my saved data, as I said, and that has set me back on a couple of things...sorry about that Roma. :( I've restarted Diablo 2 with a couple of different characters, and I am about half as far as I was before I lost my Necromancer. I also have gotten most of my programs loaded and running, though I still need to check the configuration on my firewall and a couple of little things like that...:roll:
I told a few of you that I had a slightly interesting story about my last camping trip, so here it is. :) Might be boring, but if you're on GS you have too much free time anyways. :P
[spoiler] I've said before that I do not sleep well at all, and it holds true for the road as well. Because of this I have developed a new habit for camping...I go for walks. Now that may sound normal, but, I happen to go for walks in the middle of the night, say 12 to 1 in the morning, normally without using a flashlight. This has snagged me a few laughs from people thinking I'm going to 'get them'...because it's always funny to watch people scurry away while trying to look normal. :P
But this time it nearly got me some trouble. :roll: I was out and had just gone about, oh, lets say a mile. And I had a guy say hello to me, normally people run, but sometimes they say hello. Now this guy was like my dad, always wanting to talk, so he actually got into a nice little conversation with me about the park and all. While we were talking security happened to pull along, and they took a bit of interest in the two young men talking on the side of the road at 12:30 at night. A few interesting questions later, the guy I was talking to started asking them something about the dock...and I decided it was a very good time to fade into the night while they were busy. :D
Another mile or so down the road, and I noticed a bunch of junk on the ground. Pulling out my unused flashlight, I have really good night vision, I took a closer look, and saw several hundred feet of toilet paper spread on the road. :lol: Now, I didn't do it (really), but I highly doubted they were going to believe some nut was out walking around at 1 in the morning just for the sake of walking. So I fired up my legs to a much faster speed so I wouldn't be around when security happened along again, and it worked, for a bit.
Eventually I headed back to my trailer, pretty much forgotten about the paper on the road by now. Nearly back to the trailer I saw some headlights in the distance...knowing it was my 'buddies' I stepped it up some more to get back before them...didn't quite work this time. :D
I took a 'detour' off the road into the neighboring site, and stalked off into the treeline, but...they saw the motion of my white shirt and stopped. :| A tense minute passed and I figured they were about to move off...they did move...but it happened to be backwards instead. :o A few spare seconds before the beams of the lights made my shirt yell "Hello!" I started back-pedaling a bit, as the paper was DIRECTLY outside my current location. (still didn't do it! :roll: )
Finding a nice big tree I slipped behind it and scooted around it in fun little circles like I've done while hiding from authority figures in cars before. (yes, I've done it before...and from more than some park security :P) Unfortunately they decided to get out of the car and look with a flashlight...this prompted me to be creative and lay down on the picnic table's bench for a 'nap'...figuring that A. the crossbeams would hide me, and B. I would have the excuse of napping. :lol:
While it certainly took the guy bloody well long enough to go away, my hiding spot was a good one...thank you to all games of hide and seek I have ever played. :wink: The next night also had some..."fun with security" but not quite as much. :P The real fun came along when my parents asked what had kept me so long. :D [/spoiler]
Now about being off lately, mind, off as in not thinking straight with GS, not actually off...I've had some things on my mind, and its been floating away a bit lately when I try to do GS stuff. This has led me to not do that much with my unions lately...sure I've been planning things, but actually doing them...not so much. :| The only reason I've actually been on as much as I have is because I hurt my leg a bit on my trip, therefore I missed out on some dog-walking and a party. :cry: :P
Whats next for me? Well, I just found out that a friend of mine, gamer_girl15, left her union to me in her absence to take care of. (everyone go here and wish her best of luck in infantry training, and best of luck for her grandmother. :)) So between that and my union I'll have a few things here to keep me busy.
Also, I'm going to take off for at least a few more trips before my summer closes out, camping in the redwoods, sans family, is one of my plans. I'm also fighting off a sudden urge to take a detour on my camping trip...the 2000 mile kind of detour. :lol: (Most of you will likely stratch your head about that...but a rare few might get it. :wink: ) Then college will fire up again, and when college hits, I guarantee you will not see nor hear from me nearly as much...so if you need to talk to me/get ahold of me, then pm me for an email/messenger thingy that I only rarely give out, there are a couple of you I am close enough to/trust/respect enough, that I would give it to you if you asked...and I'll try to check the less personal email some during college.
In GS news, I stopped tracking some people I never interact with, and the number of people who have looked at this profile is now even greater than my forum posts. :| Rather scary if you think about it. Also, I was considering tracking back a couple of the people on my list...but not decided on that yet. :P
So, this is another insane blog from John1918, have fun with it...and to answer a popular question: Yes, I am male, as those of you who have seen my pictures in some of my unions would know. :lol: