Upon passing a sign in my town I would like to help spread it's word. The time has come for all Northern California farmers to renew, or purchase newly, their Ag permits...Yes, that was what I wanted to share with you...no, really. :D
Ok, I guess I'll add a little more. Tommorrow, February the 2nd, I will celebrate another birthday. I'm turning 18 and that means the time has come for several things.
First of all, all American males who reach 18 have to sign up for the draft. So I will now be one of the "lucky" people who could be chosen at random to serve my country. (You can stop smiling Steve.:P)
Secondly, I get to go tommorrow to work out with the bank the details of my first checking account. I also get to dispose of my savings account that will now have a monthly fee.
Thirdly it means my parents no longer have any responsiblity towards me, and if I make them mad they could kick me out at the drop of a hat.
Oh the happiness of being 18. :)
My Union is doing quite well, with 99 members now and a high amount of activity. It's level seems to be skyrocketing becuase of all the activity it gets.
As for college, well, it is taking allot of my time and it will only get more greedy in the future. I will be getting another class, Russian History, this month, and that means more work. I've had less time to game lately, and less time to devote to Gamespot, sorry to all my poor unions. :(
Also, you people need to find something else to do, I have 1312 profile views, what in heck is going on? I'm not that friggin' interesting!