John1918 / Member

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Top Five Things You DIDN'T Want To Know About John1918

Howdy Various Creatures With Typing Apendages,

Well now, I clocked in here while checking email, and jumped a couple of blogs to see what was what. Apparently there has been a rash of chain-blogging lately, normally I do not enjoy such things, but this time the chain actually does exhibit considerable personality. Thus, when asked by my friend gamer_girl15 to join in on the festivities, I actually decided to do so.

So, here are five things about me that you might not know, or that you might have wondered about.

1) Things break around me, to clarify, I'm mostly talking about inanimate objects. Pool cues, kitchen knives, pool tables, plates, doors, walls, windows, my car, screwdrivers, etc...its a long list. Its not because I'm particularly violent, nor because I'm not careful. My body is fairly powerfully built, toss in bad luck or not paying attention, and its really easy for me to snap a pool stick I have in my hand in half, or to knock a buddy too hard and send him through a wall.

2) I cuss seldomly, and around women, next to none.

3) I cannot dance. I can pretend I know how, but only for short periods of time and more formal dances.

4) I was a vegetarian for a number of years, and I still do not eat all that much meat.

5) I have been asked if I am gay due to
A: Being too nice to women to be straight
B: Being too good of cook to be straight
C: Being too intelligent to be straight :P

Normally my answer is followed by the lovely question of "Then why are you single?" :lol:

Anyways, hope one of those was entertaining to you, I think I'm supposed to call out some number of people to do this now...orkhammer, champ, hokies, david (kinda scared what he could write), smolle, some people, somewhere, on the side of my blog...start writing. :P


Not much to say otherwise I guess, going to get my blood drawn tomorrow for a liver test, probably going to take off sometime afterwards for a break from life. I need a passport, going to go to Canada with some buddies sometime, I'd like to be able to get back in the States. Anyways, starting to get tired, when on a really, really, long walk today, threw some boulders too.

See ya'll later, might make the blog I was thinking of writing...sometime later. :P