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JohnBlaze25 Blog

I'm back

I just graduated Marine Corps. bootcamp and I've returned to see how my favorite gaming website is doing. Man it's good to be back. I apologize to all the Capcom Union members for leaving so abruptly before making the changes to the leader position. Anyway I'm only here till the 23rd then it's on to more advanced Marine training. So please PM me and let me know how it's going. Semper fi.

Back to school

Well my vacation is over and i'm headed back to school tomorrow. :? On the bright side it's already the end of April and school is almost over!!! Then again, bootcamp draws closer and closer. Bittersweet if you ask me.

Im going to a party today!!!

Im headed to a birthday party for the niece of a friend of my mother's. Sure, she is pretty young but that doesn't mean i can't enjoy myself at this party. My older sister assured me that she'll have her little party and afterwards the adults will have a party of thier own, which means....booze for everyone!!!! YAY!!!!

Bad News (Kinda)

I just found out that this Saturday, Ihave to go to my Marine reserve station for a poolee function at 8:30 in the morning. Im not looking forward to busting my a** for half the day. I can only hope that the sargents aren't quite as tough on us like they usually are.

Dead to Rights 2

I just picked my copy of the game and i gotta say that this game is awesome! There was a point in the game where I had to chase down a couple of guys on a bike and i shot up the gas tank and they blew up, which doesn;t sound like much but its a lot easier to do with the lock-on system that has been improved on this prequel. That was cool as hell! O man, this game is sweet.

Tekken 5

Just unlocked all the characters. Now i'm trying to find out all the extra charcter's movies. Of all the one's I've seen so far Jin's story is he best. Ok well back to kickin a** on this game.

Gran Turismo 4

I got the Chevelle SS and I am destroying everybody! That car helped me finish a good portion of the tournaments. I even won enough to get the Evo and now I'm unstoppable! I love this game so much, I might write up a review for it.

Gettin ready for Prom

Well i just got fitted for my suit, my date has her stuff in line and now all that left is to reserve a hotel room and the limo. (Im sure i dont have to tell you what the hotel is for :D) well anyway, it turns out that this prom is getting more and more expensive. There are so many thing i have to reserve and pay for outt my own pocket. Jeez!
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