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JohnIndigo Blog

My life in the rest of 2011.

This is a simple estimation of how much time I will spend on games mainly. These numbers are..very subject to change. Let's begin, shall we? During these entire times I will have occasional DDR game times too.

Current Day to September 29th. Enjoy games I current have, Possibly beat all of Mass Effect 2's expansion packs, and expansion packs for Fable III. Will play Halo and Call of Duty during this time with friends for fun, hopefully getting all of Halo Reach's achievements.

September 29th to October 25th. Enjoy any new games I get for my birthday, play them to the fullest. Play Call of Duty, Halo, finish up Mass Effect 2 and Fable III. Get the rest of the achievements for Mass Effect 2 and Halo Reach by October 25th. Attend Battlefield 3 Midnight opening.

October 25th to November 11th. Battlefield 3! Play Battlefield 3 often with friends and just have lots of fun with that, make sure I have all the story stuff for Mass Effect 2 and Fable III complete. On 11/10/11 go hang out with friend, set up four TV's at friends house. Attend The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim's midnight opening.

November 11th to N/A. Skyrim. Is there any way to simplify this? SKYRIM. I will be playing it soo much, probably all my freetime will be spent exploring it. I cannot wait. It will be so much fun!

That's pretty much what my ideas are so far for the rest of my year. Major gaming ahead! I hope to get all the achievements in Reach and Mass Effect 2, Shouldn't be too hard! Wish me luck with Reach's achievements, the ones I have left are all multiplayer based.

Awesomeness in a code.

Dearest Reader, I have a code for you that my friend showed me. javascript:var%20s%20=%20document.createElement('script');s.type='text/javascript';document.body.appendChild(s);s.src='';void(0); Just post it into your URL address thingy. Controls: Arrow keys to move, Spacebar to shoot. Have fun! Thank you Perry Merrity for showing me this.


On March 1st I joined the Gamespot community. Though I had been a long time site visitor. I had always come to Gamespot for the latest news on games cause I knew they were reliable. Throughout the month of March I was generally a very free timed person. On march 6th I got Pokemon Black version, which really was the main game I played during March. It was worth it. Playing Pokemon every day almost all the time I could between school and work, Pokemon was my life, once again. Then April rolled around and my pokemon spirits started to die off. I started only breeding in the game, which those of you pokenerds like me know, it's not fun to breed. I bred the perfect team for my playstyle...Then didn't even train them. They are to this day ( May 9th. I know not long. ) Still all level ones. In the Later parts to April I decided to get back into first person shooters, and also bought myself a 3DS. Why did I buy myself a 3ds and not get games for it? To be honest; I have no idea. My brother bought a PS3 with the move bundle, so that was fun to try out. Though most the time I just enjoyed watching my brother play the PS3. In late april I started to play Call of Duty 4 Modern Warfare. Great game, though I was quickly doing the best in almost all battles. M40A3 ( The first bolt action sniper rifle in CoD4.) was pretty much my most preferred weapon, noobs didn't stand a chance against me. I even went on to laugh at someone who ran at me with a shotgun when I had a sniper rifle. I quick scoped him from a few feet away before he could kill me with his M1014(Semi-Auto shotgun.). Besides Call of Duty, I was starting to look at more previews for games, and have grown more and more excited about The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim. I cannot wait for that day, and can guarantee that entire weekend I will be playing it. Into early May, I have been playing a variety of shooters, Such as Halo Reach, Left 4 Dead 2, call of duty 4 modern warfare, fallout 3, and Section 8. I've really been playing this variety to prepare myself for the upcoming game, Brink. I'm very excited about Brink, but I'm not entirely sure whether I will get it or not. I will wait to read Gamespot's official review and watch some gameplay. Anyway, That is why There basically was no updates from me throughout that time. I am here now, I'd say May 8th, today, is really my first day as a part of the Gamespot Community. Good Morning/Afternoon/Evening to you, reader. Have a nice day.