I am finally done with Eragon. I beat it twice in three days and got all the achievements. The game really ramped up in difficulty towards the end. It took me forever to beat the final boss on hard mode and after that I had to go back on normal. The secret eggs aren't all that hard to find either, granted I had to use a guide on three or four, but that's out of eighteen total. I'm so glad I'm done with it. I want to write a review but don't want to do a lenghty one so I might try out do a short review of just pros and cons, yeah I know lazy, but I want to get my voice about it out there but don't wanna work on it for a week.
I've been trying to get unstuck in Castlevania: Symphony of the Night since April and I finally did it. I always tryed GameFaqs but I never really "understood" the guides but I found one that helped and paired it with a map of the castle. The game is great but just at the one part I was stuck at nearly impossible without a guide. I swear you just had to do a random spell in a room without any prior notice. Other than that great game. Definitly worth $10.
My car's transmission crapped out on Thursday while taking my sister home from school. I stopped near a astop sign and waited for my dad to get there and the funniest thing happened. This guy from my work was driving home and just looked over at me with a really stright face as did I but then I just did this gay little wave. He came over and we talked, it was hilarious. So now I'm driving my El Camino 24/7, might mean getting a new car sooner than I thought.
Thursday was also the day of my college orientation, it was at a waterpark and I went down this waterslide a couple of times, swam, and talked to some people from my high school. I bought some Game Fuel after work and it tastes great but takes some getting used to. I bought two and am going to save one.
Also to all my Xbox 360 owning friends, if you go to this link and fill out the fields, Microsoft will give you two free XBLA games. The only catch is you had to have bought a 360 and registered a XBL account after August 8, 2006 and before September 15, 2007. The campaign code is XBX 0807. I got this from Joystiq which is my second favorite games website, behind GS of course.
CURRENT GAMERSCORE: 15, 375 (+805)