Well as most of you have heard (in the States) there was a massive ice storm throughout the central US. Sunday night I was reading for my finals on Monday and Wednesday, I remember going to bed at 12:20-ish and then woke up thinking I was late, got dressed as fast as I could and went downstairs to find my parents on the couch with a fire going. This was odd as my mom is a teacher and should be at school and my dad works out back on semi trucks, but wasn't. They told me the news and I was kinda relieved, just really wanted to take the finals after doing all the studying.
So all of Monday was spent inside w/o electricity, no cell phones because we couldn't charge them, no radios, communication with the outside world. Well on Tuesday we still didn't have electricity, in the morning we went out and ordered a generator, bought some car cell phone chargers, a radioand got something to eat. My mom only had one day out of school, her school was acting stupid, whilst nearly every other school was out, hers went. We finally got electricity back today on Friday.
I had to work on Wednesday and Friday, Wed. was crazy trucks never came on Tues. so we had nothing, and today the truck came a day early!?!
My school decided to let the teachers decide how to give us our final scores, haven't looked at my grades yet, don't have to take the finals though. Turned my books in on Thursday, had to go into downtown Tulsa, which I'm not used to driving in very urban areas so it was a confusing/entertaining experience.
During the time of no electricity I played my DS/PSP/GBA a lot more than usual. I'm around 16 hours into Final Fantasy Tactics: The War Of The Lions and it just continues to get better and better, I have a few puzzles left on Picross DS, I'd have to reccommend it to anybody with a DS as it is one of the longest lasting games I've ever played. I found my copy of Brain Age and The New York Times Crosswords after losing them for a month or two. I decided to start playing some GBA games again during the storm, don't know if I'll continue them, Tales Of Phantasia (too old-school) and Sigma Star Saga (too slow/too hard/great idea though)
I got the notion of playiong a GTA again (probably after seeing the new trailer and box art reveal of GTA IV. I decided on Vice City, I've been playing that for the past couple of days and am thouroughly addicted, again. After I beat it I'll try San Andreas, maybe GTA IV will be out by then. I've never beaten any of them, gotten very far in GTA III, mainly would lose interest, too damn enjoyable to just screw around. Also downloaded the new Halo 3 map pack, only checked them out by myself but they seem okay, probably not worth $10, especially since they basically gave us a blank map with the intents of us making it our own. Great idea but maybe should've been packed in or sold seperately.
Back to the storm, it was the worst ice storm in Oklahoma history, most power outages in Oklahoma history, and I'm sure tons of other records for the other states. Totals were:
1.5 million people w/o power
35 deaths as of Dec. 14
24 inches of snow in North Park City, Utah
At the link I provided there's a more detailed report, out of the 1.5 mil power outages, 600, 000 were fm Oklahoma. Well this was one of my lengthiest blogs in a while, maybe my longest ever. What was the longest any of you have been w/o electricity? Also brought back my current gamerscore part, don'really know if I should keep it though since I have my Gamertag on my profile.
CURRENT GAMERSCORE: 21, 975 (+1, 380)