Got 27 games this weekend after work. Me and a couple of friends went out shopping most notably I got Zone of the Enders (PS2), Maximo Ghosts to Glory (PS2), Half Life 2 (Xbox), Revolution X (SNES) and the rest pretty much crap but cheap. Every game I bought was under ten dollars and I bought like fifteen Atari 2600 games for a quarter!
I've been enjoying work. I have to work only Wednesday, Friday, and Saturday of this week. Becoming friends with almost everyone there. Making some good tips too. Getting a checking account tomorrow. That should help me refrain from buying so many games all the time. Seriously I bought 27 this weekend! I have a problem:D
My teeth are getting better still hurt but I can eat normal food now. Some weird white stuff came out of the holes where they were today, maybe something the dentist used?
I've been blazing through lvl.18 and have past 1000 posts!
And last but not least WTF! At Best Buy they had multiple copies of Shonen Jump Superstars for the DS. Which yes is an import and will probably never come out here. I guess they import?!?!? Anyways I'm definitly going to get it (it's $50) and I'll use it to help me teach myself Japanese. I want to learn.