Well after a few months I've finally finished a review and this one is Space Griffon VF-9 for the PS1. You guys can check it out here. I'd appreciate it if you guys check it out. It is by far my longest review yet. I don't know what game I'll review next and I don't really have any plans.
I finally spent a good deal of time playing Halo 2 and I love it. It is by far my favorite multiplayer game ever. I'm going out tomorrow to pre-order the Legendary Edition of Halo 3. While I'm out I'm also going to run by Circuit City because they're having a sale on Xbox Live accesories $19.99 and up, which means you can buy a 1600MP point card and get one free. It's like getting free money! I'm going to get four which means $80 worth of points for $40! I'll have a whole lot of new games. I went by there Monday and they were sold out, they said they'd get some more on Wednesday but I work from 11-7 so I'll have to go early in the morning or have someone else get them for me if the trucks not there yet.
I'm finally unstuck in PSU and I'm more than half over with it. Haven't played Pokemon in a while. Might go to a game tournament Saturday to play Super Smash Bros. Melee, it's a few hundred miles away, can you say roadtrip! I'm also in love with Contra, I bought it off of XBLA a few days ago, I'm ranked around 13, 000 out of 214, 000. I played as my sister's profile to get the very last spot as well, her profile is runninguphill.
CURRENT GAMERSCORE: 13, 310 (+170)