@ThrashMatt26 @Cloud_imperium Remedy own the rights to Alan Wake 100%. I'm not sure what their deal with MS is though. I suspect Alan Wake is dead in the water now though.
Surely a next gen release for Ultra Street Fighter IV has to happen. I'm just thinking about fans of the game who intend to replace their current console with a next gen machine.
I've yet to play ME3 but given the price it's going for these days I'll probably pick it up. Would I be missing much if I don't get any of the dlc (not including the new endings)?
I played the demo for this game on the XBox 360 and it felt too awkward and clunky for me to endure. It also lagged quite badly. It's certainly not what I'd consider a quality product and not something I'd buy. It may have other merits though and will no doubt run better on the PC.
I hope that linear games don't go away. I enjoy playing games that provide a very plot-focused experience. I think linear games can provide a more cinematic experience that open games.
Double Helix developed Silent Hill Homecoming, a game that was roundly panned by critics. That Capcom would employ them to develop this game says a lot about their ambitions.
As long as it isn't dumbed down to Assassins Creed levels. It should be a challenge. Making games easy isn't the answer. I think it's worth remembering that the only reason this game is happening is because DICE love the original and want to do it. They're not about to ruin it.
@buffaloblitz85 I think LA Noire required a certain commitment from the player to solve cases as a real detective might, rather than rely mostly on the aids the game provides. What I mean is that it would be easy to complete the game and miss the elements that really make it great.
There was a couple of relatively minor issues I had with the game that give me doubts about the developer. The first is the abysmal vehicle physics. The second was that at times cases would almost force the player to rely on hints.
@sdcazares1980 I think they probably envision this being a profitable investment. Not only that but maybe they're trying to encourage developers to flourish in Australia.
JohnTheGrudge's comments