by John_of_Fire on Comments
I recently have discovered concerning gaming how hypocritical I am. I was all for a new Gunstar Heros being made and then it came out. Did I get it? No. Not until it was $7.20 used. I wanted Castlevania SOTN on 360. I even posted saying I would buy it. Did I? No. (Mind you I already have beaten it twice, gotten every ending, purchased the duplicator, I owned for a time the Saturn version just to play the new sections, I still own the original and I have beaten all the GBA versions; so you can see why I might not want to play it.) But still I keep rooting for all these games to be made and when they come out I don't support them. I was so zealous for Metal Slug 3 and then I bought it used 3+ years later. I just am not putting my money where my mouth is anymore. Mind you there is a lot less money than there used to be but I guess I am coming to the conclusion that it just isn't worth paying full price for a lot of stuff, I don't have the money to waste, and I just am not into games as much as I think I am. I need to start reevaluating how I think about games. "I'd buy that if it came out" should be 'that would be a great game" or "that would be a great game to remake" It just kind of stings knowing that I am not helping great games to be made anymore. Every dollar is a vote and I just am not getting to the poles. I remembered buying games to save the Dreamcast and I remember buying games to help Sega stay afloat. One day I hope to have money again so I can endorse the kind of games that I think are worth being made.