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I failed.

I was really interested in the contest on Live that was sponsored by Old Spice. I had finals that month but I also had a week off. I figured ‘1500 pts, I could do it.’ I first wrote down all the games I had and marked off the achievements that were easiest/able to be achieved. As it turns out DOA4, Gears, RR6, and Oblivion are not the best games to get points on. I had already pumped out most of the points from Full Auto so the final tally wasn’t so hot. Less than 500 pts. (If you check my games owned 360 list you can see what I have.) I finished Gears, which would be the main source of my points, and then proceeded to finish the first chapter on Insane. Unfortunately I never made it online. I also had a set back. I was two games away from 50 wins online in DOA4 and I had worked my way up to a C+ and the game froze before the match and I lost all I had accomplished that evening. I would have competed the arena in Oblivion but I didn’t want to rush through it unless I was close and needed the points. I meant to play Lost Planet on my week off got complicated and I still haven’t even opened it. I did get my hands on Crackdown two days before the contest was over. I have gotten a good number of points in it but too little too late. In my gaming glory days I would have used this contest as an excuse to buy more games. I could have easily flown through the tutorials of Chromehounds and picked up some Live Arcade games for some quick points. (Hexic is just not the best choice for points unless you got the skills.) And I really wanted Contra for free but I wasn’t going to rent a game for $5 to get the achievement points to get a $5 game for free. On the plus side I realized some of the depth of Hexic. The game gets a bit better once you get into it. Here is what I achieved: 140 additional pts in Gears 40 additional pts in Hexic 25 additional pts in Sneak King (I hate this game) 25 pts in Marvel Alliance (a rental) bringing the total to- 230 A sad showing indeed. PS. I want MS to publish Sega Swirl on live. I would love to have that on my 360 as long as they don’t charge more than a dollar.